Tell us a little bit about you

We are not nosey - we just care about who we work with

Please enter First Name.
Please enter last name.
We will verify the email in order to login.
Please enter valid email.
We will verify the phone number in order to login.
Please enter Phone Number.
Please enter valid password.
Please re-enter same password.
Sign In

Let's make the system yours!

Add your logo and theme color. If you would like to use the default theme, don't upload and click next.

Please share with us your business details

To complete setup, you must already have a cannabis license and a METRC key.

Please enter legal business name.
Please enter legal business name.
Please enter DBA name.
Please enter e-commerce alias.
Please enter licensed address.
Please enter license number.
Please enter METRIC key.

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Let's Verify

One Time Passcode (OTP) has been sent to your phone via SMS. Please check your messages.